According to an article from Construction News, a recent report drawn up by the Asbestos Testing and Consultancy (ATaC) Association and the National Organisation of Asbestos Consultants (NORAC), found that extensive asbestos remediation work is still needed on thousands of buildings across the UK.

The purpose of the report suggests that the UK’s approach to asbestos management is “failing”. Noting that much of the material in poor condition has been subject to reinspection.

Evidence suggested that there is extensive presence of asbestos across more than 100,000 buildings, presenting a “potential risk to public health.”

The report also identified 710,000 pieces of asbestos in 100,660 buildings in the UK, 71% of which had “some level of damage”. According to the research, more than 120,000 items of damaged asbestos require specialist contractor to replace them.

An influential committee of MPs have demanded that asbestos should be removed from all non-residential buildings within a 40-year timeframe.

Here’s where Amianto Services can help.

What is asbestos and where can it be found?

Asbestos is a carcinogenic mineral. It consists of flexible fibres resistant to heat, electricity and corrosion and works as an effective insulator. These qualities make the mineral useful in many products, but it is extremely harmful.

Asbestos can be found in many things, including internal vinyl floor tiles, toilet seats, lagging on boilers and pipes, roofs, and gutters. Inhaling or ingesting asbestos causes fibres to become trapped in the body and over decades can cause inflammation, scarring and cancer.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that asbestos kills approximately 5000 workers every year, taking 15 to 60 years for any symptoms to develop after exposure. It is therefore vital to identify and remove asbestos in a safe and professional way, as soon as possible.

How can Amianto Services help?

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 sets out the requirements that anyone working with asbestos must comply. This includes the legal requirement for employers to ensure the safety of their employees, also covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises.

Amianto Services are committed to complying by these regulations and ensuring we operate in the most professional way at all times.

Utilising OneServe to regularly update our clients, Amianto Services asbestos removal specialists are fully licenced and follow correct and up-to-date procedures to operate in the safest way possible.

What accreditations do we hold?

We hold a full three-year asbestos licence with the HSE to remove asbestos, as well as accreditations with industry professionals ARCA (Asbestos Removal Contractor Association) and ACAD (Asbestos Control & Abatement Division).

In addition, we hold the ACAD Gold Site Audit award for 2022/23. As one of the few who hold this accolade, it evidences  we are one of the leading experts in our industry.

Having these accreditations ensures we are continuously monitored. Regular internal and external audits are completed to ensure we are following correct procedures on every project we complete. Last year, we exceeded expectations with consistent highly-scored audits, achieving scores no less than A and B for a continuous nine audits on a variety of projects.

Who do we work with?

Last year we successfully completed an abundance of asbestos removal projects nationwide, receiving a 100% customer satisfaction rates throughout the year.

Since 2017, Amianto Services have worked on large and complex projects across both the public and private sectors; from NHS trusts and higher education providers to the housing sector and established commercial businesses.


The important thing is to not panic, we are here to help. Our highly trained specialists will start by gathering information about the building or property in question, surveying the property to identify where asbestos could be found and monitoring the potential risk. We operate with complete transparency, ensuring we conduct our work in a way that promises our staff and customers are safe.

If you are concerned about asbestos, or have an upcoming project to discuss, contact our team of experts today on 0151 529 7111, or email